Horizontal movement – Tally Genicom Matrix Printer User Manual

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7265 Programmer’s Manual 26

Copyright © 2004 TallyGenicom Chapter 2 ANSI

Horizontal Movement

Commands Description


Causes the current print position to move to the next tab stop. If no tabs are set, then

the current position moves one space. If tab(s) are set but no tab(s) are set between

the active print position and the right margin, then following characters on the line are

either discarded or printed on the next line, depending on the status of auto wrap.
Dec 9

Hex 09


Initiates printing and returns the current print position to the left margin.
Dec 13

Hex 0D

ESC [(p)a

Advances the current print position by the distance specified. Parameter p is

specified in decipoints.
Example: ESC [1080a advances the print position 1.5 inches.
Dec 27 91 49 48 56 48 97

Hex 1B 5B 31 30 38 30 61

ESC [(p)j

Moves the horizontal position (p) decipoints left of the current position.
Actual distance between symbols separated by this command is the argument (p)

minus the current horizontal pitch (text or graphics). For example, if you print an

uppercase E at 10 cpi, move backwards by (p), and print another uppercase E, then

the distance between leading edges of the two characters is (p) - 72 decipoints. If you

print graphics at 72 dpi, move backwards by p, and print another graphics column,

then the distance between the two graphics columns is (p) – 10 decipoints.
This command enables printing left of the left margin. Any data located left of the left

print reference is discarded.
Example: ESC [1080j moves the horizontal position back by 1.5 inches.
Dec 27 91 49 48 56 48 106

Hex 1B 5B 31 30 38 30 6A