Trango Broadband Access5830 User Manual
Page 28

Basic Configuration via CLI
Trango Broadband Wireless — Access5830 User Manual Rev. F
page 24
AP Parameter
Related CLI Command
MIR Threshold Kbps
User specified MIR Threshold to
determine total throughput level
at which the AP serves only CIR
(committed information rate) to
associated SUs.
When MIR Threshold is disabled,
the AP will serve MIR for all its
When MIR Threshold is
activated, and the network traffic
exceeds the MIR threshold, the
AP will only serve CIR for all its
When MIR Threshold is
activated, and the network traffic
does not exceed the MIR
threshold, the AP will still serve
MIR for all its SUs.
set mir threshold [
#>set mir threshold 2000
Active Channel
Current RF channel and
polarization (v)ertical or
freq writescan [
#>freq writescan 5 v
This command will change the channel of the
AP to 5, with vertical polarization.
RF RX Threshold
Specifies the receiver sensitivity
of the AP. It is a powerful tool
when the radio is in a noisy
environment. AP will block out
any signal received that is below
the RF RX threshold. Separate
settings exist for both ISM and
UNII bands.
rfrxth [
#>rfrxth ism –70
#>rfrxth unii -90
RF TX Power
Current transmit power of the AP
not including antenna gain.
power [
#>power setism 10
#>power setunii 4
Channel Table
Lists the assigned frequencies to
each channel. Note that default
channels 1 – 6 are assigned to
ISM band, and channels 7 – 11
are assigned to UNII band. All
channels may be re-assigned as
desired by the user.
freq writechannel [
#>freg writechannel 20 5785
This command will change channel 20 to 5785 MHz.
Broadcast Packet Filter
This software switch (0)
enables/disables the blocking of
Ethernet control packets, except
ICMP and ARP, to reduce the
amount of unnecessary overhead
introduced to the wireless link.
sw 0 [
#>sw 0 on
User definable radio information
(i.e. customer name, address of
installation, and so on).
Maximum of 28 characters can
be stored.
remarks [
#>remarks 123 Elm Street