Teledyne 4220 User Manual
Page 192

4220 Flow Meter
D.O. (Dissolved Oxygen), 5-18
pH Probe, 5-11
Temperature Probe, 5-11
YSI 600 Sonde, 5-24
Parameter Sensing, 5-10
pH Probe, 5-11
Power Sources, 3-3
AC Power Supplies, 3-5
External 12 Volt DC Power, 3-6
Isco Sampler, 3-3
Lead-Acid Battery, 3-5
Nickel-Cadmium Battery, 3-4
Primary Devices
head-measuring points, 4-10
installing probe in, 4-10
Program Screens, 2-11
Programming, 2-3
Programming Steps
Description, 2-5
Step 1 - Program, 2-24
Step 2 - Flow Conversion, 2-29
Step 3 - Parameter to Adjust, 2-36
Step 4 - Reset Totalizer, 2-42
Step 5 - Sampler Pacing, 2-42
Step 6 - Sampler Enable, 2-44
Step 7 - Alarm Dialout, 2-47
Step 8 - Printer, 2-50
Step 9 - Reports/History, 2-52
Rain Gauge, 5-7
Rectangular Channels, 4-10
Replacement Parts, A-1
Replacement Parts List, A-4
Reports, 2-21
Ribbon Replacement, 6-9
Safety Considerations, 3-10
Safety Information, D-1
Sampler Interface, 3-11
Scissors Ring, 4-6
Serial Output, 2-18, 5-4
Service and Troubleshooting
CMOS Circuitry, 6-15
Disassembling the Flow Meter, 6-10
Display Warnings, 6-12
Fuses, 6-11
Getting Help, 6-13
Inspection Protocol, 6-14
Preliminary Steps, 6-13
Software Reset, 6-12
Specifications, 1-8
Stilling Wells, 4-10
Submerged Probe
Installation, 4-1
Maintenance, 6-4
Nose Sections, 4-2
Operation, 1-3
Technical Specifications, 1-8
Temperature Probe, 5-11
Troubleshooting Steps, 6-13
Calibration, 2-38
Programming Screens, 2-27
Specifications, 5-25