Texas Instruments TLV1562 User Manual

Page 73

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Software Overview


Interfacing the TLV1562 Parallel ADC to the TMS320C54x DSP

CR0_SEND .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; the last value, sent to register CR0

CR1_SEND .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; the last value, sent to register CR1

CR_PROBLEM .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; problem with initialization of this mode
when repeated (reset)

ZERO .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; the value zero to send

TEMP .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; temporary variable

isr_save .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; memory location to save AR7 during

; interrupts

CH1_ADSAMPLE .usect ”.variabl”,1 ; last read sample of channel 1

CH2_ADSAMPLE .usect ”.variabl”,1 ; last read sample of channel 2

* Address Decoder constants:

ADC .set 00002h ; activate A0 when TLV1562 is choosen

CSTART .set 00001h ; activate A1 when CSTART is choosen

DAC1 .set 00003h ; activate A2 when DAC1 is choosen

DEACTIVE .set 00000h ; deactivate the address lines A0, A1 and A2

* set timing mode (use od IRQ, or timer)

POLLING_DRV .set 00001h ; software polls the INT0 pin to wait, until
conversion is done

INT0_DRIVEN .set 00000h ; software uses Interrupt INT0 to wait for end of

NO_INT0_SIG .set 00000h ; INT0 signal not in use, timing solution

SAVE_INTO_MEMORY.set 00001h ; store the samples into DSP memory

SEND_OUT_SERIAL .set 00000h ; store the last sample allways into serial buffer memory

SEND_OUT_PARALLEL.set 00001h ; store the last sample allways into DAC1

R10BIT_RESOLUT .set 00001h ; use maximum resolution of 10 bit

R8BIT_RESOLUT .set 00000h ; use 8 Bit resolution

R4BIT_RESOLUT .set 00000h ; use fastest mode (4 Bit resolution)

INTERNAL_CLOCK .set 00001h ; use the internal clock of the ADC

EXTERNAL_CLOCK .set 00000h ; use the external clock of the ADC

AUTO_PWDN_ENABLE.set 00000h ; ADC goes into power reduced state after conversion

DIFF_INPUT_MODE .set 00000h ; use differential mode instead of single ended inputs

IME_CALIBRATION .set 00000h ; do an Internal Midscale Error Calibration

SME_CALIBRATION .set 00000h ; do a System Midscale Error Calibration

.sect ”.text”




* disable IRQ, sign extension mode, ini Stack