Texas Instruments TLV1562 User Manual
Page 40

Software Overview
IMPORTANT NOTE: The code has been optimized to maximize
the data throughput. It was found that CSTART can be pulled low
earlier than the data read instruction is performed by the DSP. This
saves the 100-ns wait time in STEP 3 because the data read
requires at least 100 ns. Therefore, CSTART gets pulled high
directly after data read, and the interface becomes faster and
gains throughput. This variation will be found in the code. The data
acquisition is done in a small number of steps that explains
everything inside the code.
Code verification:
To verify the software, the user must change the code in the DUALIRQ1.ASM file
and save those changes. The next step is to recompile the four .ASM files by
executing the AUTO.BAT batch file. If compiler and linker finish without error
messages, the new output file is ready to load into the DSP program memory (e.g.
with the GoDSP development tools) and to execute.
The flow chart in Figure 10 gives a general overview of the software structure