Texas Instruments TLV1562 User Manual
Page 58

Software Overview
DP = #00000h ; point to page zero
TC = bitf(@SPC,#01000h) ; test, is the XRDY Bit in SPC=1?
if (TC) goto SEND_SERIAL_END ; don’t send something until XDR is empty
; this has been included because the serial DAC TLC5618A is not able to understand
; endless data-streem (the CS should not become high before end of sending
; the 16th bit)
DP = #AD_DP ; reset Data page pointer to variables
A = @ADSAMPLE<<2 ; leftshift of the sample for a 12-bit format
@ADSAMPLE |= #(TLC5618_LATCH_A|TLC5618_FAST_MODE|TLC5618_POWER_UP) ; set the mode
of the DAC
data(BDXR) = @ADSAMPLE ; send out the sample to the serial DAC
* test for table end, set pointer back if true
TC = (AR0 ==AR7) ; is AR0 = AR7? (table end reached?)
if (NTC) goto STORE_END ;
* set pointer back to table start
AR7 = #(data_loc_A) ; point to first date location of the storage table
STORE_END: RETURN ; jump back into data aquisition routine
* Interrupt routine of the external interrupt input pin INT0
call STEP7 ; initialize the next conversion and store results
return_enable ; return from IRQ (wake up from the IDLE mode)
* Interrupt routine of the serial transmit interrupt of the buffered SPI
return_enable ; interrupt is not in use
.sect ”.text”
.copy ”TLC5618.asm”