Falk alicke and perry miller, 1introduction, 2the board – Texas Instruments TLV1562 User Manual
Page 7

Interfacing the TLV1562 Parallel ADC to the TMS320C54x DSP
Falk Alicke and Perry Miller
In this application report we discuss the hardware and software interface of the TLV1562,
10-bit parallel-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to the TMS320C54x digital signal
processor (DSP).
The hardware interface board, or evaluation module (EVM)
consists of the TLV1562 10-bit ADC, a THS5651 10-bit parallel output
communication digital-to-analog converter (CommsDAC
) and a TLC5618A
serial-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
Following the discussion of the ADC we explain the need for both the THS5651
CommsDAC and the TLC5618A serial DAC.
The application report concludes with several software application examples and
recommendations for simplifying the software through modifications of the DSP
hardware interface circuit.
The analog-to-digital (A/D) interface can present a significant design problem
because hardware and software must work together across the interface to
produce a usable, complete design. This application report provides a design
solution for the interface between the TLV1562 10-bit parallel-output
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and the TMS320C54x digital signal processor
The report describes the hardware and software needed to interface the ’C54x
DSP to the TLV1562 ADC, which is intended for applications, such as industrial
control and signal intelligence in which large amounts of data must be processed
quickly. The first sections describe the basic operation of the TLV1562. For
additional information see the References section at the end of this report.
The Board
The TLV1562 evaluation module (EVM) is a four-layer printed circuit board (PCB)
constructed from FR4 material. The PCB dimensions are 180 mm
112 mm
12 mm. Ribbon cables are used to interface the TLV1562EVM to the
TMS320C54x DSK plus starter kit.
TMS320C54x Starter Kit
The starter kit simplifies the task of interfacing to the ’C54x processor. It comes
with an ADC for voice bandwidth, and GoDSP code explorer as the software tool.
A 10-MHz oscillator provides the clock signal to allow 40-MHz internal DSP clock
cycles generated by the internal DSP PLL. Therefore, the board provides 40
MIPS of processing power.
Ribbon cables are used to connect the DSP with the EVM. Detailed descriptions
of all connections are given later in this report.
CommsDAC is a trademark of Texas Instruments.