Omega Engineering OMEGASCOPE OS533 User Manual
Page 36
How to Install IR_TEMPSOFT
Please follow this installation procedure to install
1. Place the supplied CD disk into your CD-ROM drive.
Make certain that you are not running any other
applications at this time. Running other applications
while trying to install IR_TEMPSOFT may cause
installation errors.
2. The CD will automatically start.
3. Click on Free Software. Then Click on the Software icon.
4. Now you will see a menu of Free software download for
different products.
5. Click on the Infrared Thermometer picture icon. This will
start the installation process.
6. Follow the installation instructions as they appear on
your screen. For example, you will be asked in which
directory would you like to install the IR_TEMPSOFT
program. You may accept the default location provided,
("C:\Program Files\IR_TEMPSOFT\") or specify your
own location.
7. During the process of installation, the installer program
will notify you if it is about to overwrite an existing file
with one that is older. Should this occur, it is advisable to
keep your newer files and do not overwrite them with
the supplied older files.
8. After a successful installation, the installer program will
notify you with a pop-up which states "IR_TEMPSOFT
from Omega Engineering Setup was completed
successfully." Just click on the "OK" button.
If you have any trouble with the installation of this
Operating System:
Win95, Win98, Win NT 4.0, Windows 2000
Processor :
Pentium Class (Any speed)
32 Mega-Bytes
VGA, Or Higher Resolution
Video Card:
Supports VGA, 256 Color, 800 x 600 Resolution (Minimum)
4800 Baud, 8 Databits, 1 Stop, No Parity.
Any Speed
Hard Drive:
10 Mega-Bytes Available Space (For Installation Only)
Using the Handheld Infrared Thermometer