Appendix, Troubleshooting, Specifications – Roland C-190 User Manual

Page 25: Troubleshooting specifications, 25 9. appendix

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C-190 Portable Organ






If you encounter problems with the C-190, please read
the following before assuming that there is a malfunc-

The C-190 cannot be switched on

Is the adapter connected properly (page 9)?

No sound is produced

Is the [VOLUME] slider set to the minimum position
(page 9)?

Are headphones connected? Disconnect them
(page 9).

Cannot hear the PEDAL sound

Is the [PEDAL] slider set to the minimum position
(page 9)?

Does the indicator of one of the PEDAL tabs light?

Did you connect a MIDI cable to the PEDAL IN socket?
In that case, the PEDAL division needs to be played
from a PK-series pedal unit.

Cannot select orchestral sounds

Does the [ORCHESTRA] button light? If not, press it.

The organ sounds are not available

Does the [ORCHESTRA] indicator light? Press it so
that its indicator goes dark.

Two sounds are produced when the keyboard is

Did you press a MANUAL II tilt tab (whose indicator
now lights)? Switch it off.

The pitch of the keyboard seems incorrect

Is the [TUNE] setting correct (page 16)?

Is the transpose setting correct (page 17)?

Is the temperament setting correct (page 17)?

The C-190 does not respond to your playing

Did you select the Demo mode? Leave that mode
(page 10).

While the ORCHESTRA indicator lights, some

sounds are transposed one octave down when a
PEDAL sound is selected
This is normal and intended to provide a more natu-
ral distribution of the pitches for the left and right

The MANUAL I sound is not available to the left

of the split point
Did you switch on at least one MANUAL I tilt tab after
switching off the [II÷I] tilt tab?

Bass notes sound wrong/buzzing or vibration

If you don’t hear the problem in the headphones:
When playing at high volumes, resonance may occur
in the instrument itself, or in objects near the C-190.

At times, other objects in the room, such as fluores-
cent lights or glass doors, could start vibrating. To
minimize such unwanted resonance, please observe
the following:

• Locate the instrument at least 10~15 cm away from

the walls.

• Reduce the volume.
• Increase the distance from the object that is resonat-

If you can hear the problem in the headphones, there
may be another reason. Please contact your dealer.

When the C-190 is connected to an external

Are the connections between the C-190 and the MIDI
sequencer or the other external device correct
(page 23)?


C-190: Roland Portable Organ

■ Keyboard

76 keys (velocity sensitive for orchestral sounds)
(Velocity messages are always transmitted to the MIDI OUT

■ Tone generation & sounds

PCM sound generation, 128-voice polyphony
Newly sampled waveforms + the best PCM samples from
the Roland sound libraries
● PEDAL division—Subbass 16’, Principal Bass 16’, Violon
Bass 16’, OctaveBass 8’, Gedackt 8’, Bombarde 16’, Trumpet
8’, Choral Bass 4’, Clarine 4’
● MANUAL I division—Principal 8’, Diapason 8’, Bourdon
8’, Spitzflöte 4’, Rohrflöte 4’, Principal 4’, Octave 2’, Wald-
flöte 2’, Mixture IV 1-1/3’, Sesquialtera II 1-1/3’, Sifflet 1’,
Trompete 8’, Trompette 8’, Regal 8’, Trompete 4’
● MANUAL II division—Bourdon 8’, Flute 8’, Geigen Prin-
cipal 8’, Gemshorn 8’, Viole Celeste II 8’, Salicional 8’,
Gambe 16’, Prestant 4’, Koppelflöte 4’, Fugara 4’,
Quinte 2-2/3’, Doublette 2’, Tierce 1-1/3’, Scharff III 1’, Vox
Humana 8’, Fagott 16’, Krummhorn 8’, Hautbois 8’,
Clarion 4’

■ Orchestral tones

14 (3 for PEDAL, 5 for MANUAL I, 6 for MANUAL II)

■ Digital effect

Reverb with adjustable depth

■ Demo songs

28 complete songs, divided into 4 groups: Wedding,
Orchestra, Bach and Variety