Assigning other sounds to the tilt tabs – Roland C-190 User Manual
Page 21

Assigning other sounds to the tilt tabs
C-190 Portable Organ
(2) Hold down the [SET] button and press the lower
part of the tilt tab that is assigned to the sound
whose setting you want to change.
This can be any tilt tab except [II/I]. The indicator of
the tab (or the assigned orchestral sound below it)
starts flashing.
(3) Press the [DOWN] or [UP] button to change the vol-
Press them simultaneously to recall the factory vol-
ume setting.
(4) Press [0] to leave this setting mode.
Changing the timbre of a sound
If you think a given organ or orchestral sound is too
bright (or too mellow), here is how to change its timbre:
(1) Press the [ORCHESTRA] button to switch it on or
Switch it off if you need to change the timbre of an
organ sound. Switch it on to change the timbre of an
orchestral sound.
(2) Hold down the [SET] button and press the upper
part of the tilt tab that is assigned to the sound
whose setting you want to change.
This can be any tilt tab except [II/I]. The indicator of
the tab (or the assigned orchestral sound below it)
starts flashing.
(3) Press the [DOWN] or [UP] button to change the
timbre (filter setting).
Press them simultaneously to recall the factory set-
(4) Press [0] to leave this setting mode.
Assigning other sounds to the tilt
As you know, the C-190 provides a varying number of
hidden organ sounds for each tilt tab. If you don’t feel
like assigning the desired ranks to the tabs by hand, you
can select one of the four stop configurations prepared
at the factory.
Those stop configurations are: “Classic”, “Romantic”,
“Baroque” and “Solo”.
(1) Hold down the [M1÷2] button (the four MEMORY
buttons start flashing).
(2) Keep holding it while pressing the memory button
of the desired configuration:
[1]= Classic, [2]= Romantic, [3]= Baroque, [4]= Solo.
Here is what those settings correspond to:
Subass 16’
Principalbass 16’ Principalbass 16’ Violonbass 16’
Octavbass 8’
Octavbass 8’
Gedackt 8’
Gedackt 8’
Bombarde 16’
Choral Bass 4’
Trumpet 8’
Clarine 4’
Principal 8’
Diapason 8’
Principal 8’
Diapason 8’
Spitzflöte 4’
Principal 4’
Principal 4’
Rohrflöte 4’
Octave 2’
Octave 2’
Waldflöte 2’
Waldflöte 2’
Mixture IV 1-1/3’ Mixture IV 1-1/3’ Mixture IV 1/3’
Sesquialtera II 1-1/3'
Trompete 8’
Trompette 8’
Trompete 8’
Regal 8'
Bourdon 8’
Flute 8’
Flute 8’
Bourdon 8'
Gemshorn 8’
Viola Celeste 8’
Salicional 8’
Salicional 8'
Prestant 4’
Koppelflöte 4’
Koppelflöte 4’
Fugara 4'
Quinte 2'-2/3’
Quinte 2-2/3’
Quinte 2-2/3’
Tierce 1-1/3'
Vox Humana 8’
Vox Humana 8’
Hautbois 8’
Hautbois 8'