Introduction, 1 about this manual, Target audience – Runco SC-1 User Manual
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Runco SC-1 Owner’s Operating Manual
About This Manual
This Owner’s Manual describes how to install, set up and operate the Runco Signature
Cinema™ SC-1 DLP Projector and DHD Controller. It describes the features and
functions available with DHD Controller Software version 2.0 and later.
Throughout this manual, the Runco Signature Cinema™ SC-1 DLP Projector and DHD
Controller are referred to collectively as the “SC-1.”
Target Audience
Runco has prepared this manual to help home theater installers and end users get the
most out of the SC-1.
If You Have Comments
About This Manual...
Runco welcomes your comments about this manual. Send them to [email protected].
Textual and Graphic
Text Conventions: The following conventions are used in this manual, in order to clarify
the information and instructions provided:
• Remote and built-in keypad button identifiers are set in upper-case bold type; for
example, “Press EXIT to return to the previous menu.”
• Computer input (commands you type) and output (responses that appear on-screen) is
shown in monospace (fixed-width) type; for example: “To change the aspect ratio to
Letterbox, type
• All keys with functional names are initial-capped, set in bold type and enclosed in angle
brackets. These keys are the following:
indicates that you may press either the RETURN or ENTER key on your
keyboard if it has both keys.
In addition to these conventions, underlining, boldface and/or italics are occasionally used
to highlight important information, as in this example:
1. Introduction
The SC-1 requires a dedicated, 220-VAC/30A circuit. Connect
only the SC-1 to this circuit.