NetComm HS1100 User Manual
Page 59

HS1100 Wireless Hotspot Gateway User Manual
Authentication Method – On-demand User
On-demand User Server Configuration: The administrator can enable and configure this authentication method to
create on-demand user accounts. This function is designed for hotspot owners to provide temporary users with free
or paid wireless Internet access in the hotspot environment. Major functions include accounts creation, users
monitoring list, billing plan, billing report statistics, and external payment gateway support.
y Server Status: The status shows that the server is enabled or disabled.
y Postfix: Set a postfix that is easy to distinguish (e.g. Local) for the server using numbers (0 to 9), alphabets (a to
z or A to Z), dash (-), underline (_) and dot (.) with a maximum of 40 characters, all other letters are not allowed.
y Receipt Header 1~3: Enter the receipt header message or use the default. When the administrator creates an
On-demand User account, he/she can print out a receipt containing this On-demand User’s information such as
Username and Password.
y Receipt Footer 1~3: Enter the receipt footer message or use the default.
y Serial Port Baud Rate: Select the desired transmission baud rate. The default value is 9600.
y Monetary Unit: Select the desired monetary unit.
y WLAN ESSID: Enter the ESSID of the access point. The administrator can supply a new name or use the