Change password – NetComm HS1100 User Manual

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HS1100 Wireless Hotspot Gateway User Manual




There are three levels of authorities: admin, manager or operator. The default usernames and passwords are as


Admin: The administrator can access all configuration pages of HS1100.

User Name: admin

Password: admin

Manager: The manager can only access the configuration pages under User Authentication to manage the user

accounts, but without permission to change the settings of the profiles of Firewall, Specific Route and Schedule.

User Name: manager

Password: manager

Operator: The operator can only access the configuration page of Create On-demand User to create new

on-demand user accounts and print out the on-demand user account receipts.

User Name: operator

Password: operator

The administrator can change the passwords here. Please enter the current password and then enter the new

password twice to verify. Click Apply to activate this new password.

If the administrator’s password is lost, the administrator’s password still can be changed through the text

mode management interface at the serial console port.