National Instruments SCXI-1120 User Manual

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© National Instruments Corporation


SCXI-1120 User Manual

temperature sensor connection, 2-15

rear signal connector

analog output signal

connections, 2-26

communication signals, 2-28 to 2-31
digital I/O signal connections, 2-26

to 2-27

pin assignments, 2-24, B-1
pin equivalences with SCXIbus and

data acquisition boards,
2-27, 5-2

SCXIbus pin equivalences, 3-5
signal descriptions, 2-25, B-2
timing signal, 2-28

SCXI-1320 terminal block, 2-20
SCXI-1328 terminal block, 2-20
SCXIbus connector

pin assignments, 3-3, C-2
pin equivalences with rear signal

connector, 3-5

pin equivalences with rear signal

connector and data acquisition
boards, 2-27, 5-2

signal descriptions, 3-4 to 3-5,

C-3 to C-4

warning against exceeding maximum

ratings, 2-11

single-channel measurements, 5-3 to 5-5

direct measurements, 5-3 to 5-4
indirect measurements, 5-4 to 5-5
measurements from other modules, 5-4
measurements from SCXI-1120 via

another module, 5-4 to 5-5

multiplexed output, 5-4
parallel output, 5-3

single-module multiplexed scanning

direct, 5-9
indirect, 5-9
theory of operation, 3-14 to 3-15

single-module parallel scanning, 3-14, 5-8
SL<3..0> bit, 4-6
Slot 0 hardscan circuitry, programming,

5-10 to 5-11

Slot 0 registers, 4-5 to 4-8

FIFO Register, 4-8
Hardscan Control Register (HSCR), 4-7
Slot-Select Register, 4-6

slot selection

register selection and write procedure,

5-2 to 5-3

slot-select timing diagram, 2-29
writing 16-bit-slot select number, 2-29

SLOT0SEL* signal

communicating on SPI bus, 2-28 to 2-31
digital I/O signal connections,

2-26 to 2-27

jumper connection, 2-4, 2-5
programming hardscan circuitry, 5-11

rear signal connector, 2-25, B-2
register selection and write procedure,

5-2 to 5-3

software, optional, 1-2 to 1-3

analog input, A-1 to A-2
cold-junction sensor, A-2 to A-3
operating environment, A-3
physical, A-3
storage environment, A-3

SPI bus. See communication signals for SPI


SPICLK signal

description of, 3-4, C-3
digital control circuitry, 3-7
and SPI bus, 3-5

SS* signal

description of, 3-5, C-4
digital control circuitry, 3-7, 3-8
programming Slot 0 hardscan

circuitry, 5-11

storage environment specifications, A-3


technical support, G-1
temperature connection, direct

(jumper W41), 2-8 to 2-9

temperature sensor

connection for analog input

channels, 2-15

SCXI-1320 terminal block, 2-18
SCXI-1328 terminal block, 2-18 to 2-19

terminal block. See SCXI-1302 50-pin

terminal block; SCXI-1320 terminal
block; SCXI-1328 terminal block.

theory of operation