Netopia D3232 IDSL User Manual
Page 131

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol): A protocol used to transfer files between IP nodes. TFTP is often used to
transfer firmware and configuration information from a UNIX computer acting as a TFTP ser ver to an IP
networking device, such as the Netopia ISDN Router.
thicknet: Industr y jargon for 10Base5 coaxial cable, the original Ethernet cabling.
thinnet: Industr y jargon for 10Base2 coaxial cable, which is thinner (smaller in diameter) than the original
Ethernet cabling.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A TCP/IP protocol describing how packets reach applications in destination
wall jack: A small hardware component used to tap into telephone wall cable. An RJ-11 wall jack usually has
four pins; an RJ-45 wall jack usually has eight pins.
WAN (wide area network): A network that consists of nodes connected by long-distance transmission media,
such as telephone lines. WANs can span a state, a countr y, or even the world.
WAN IP: In addition to being a router, the Netopia ISDN Router is also an IP address ser ver. There are four
protocols it can use to distribute IP addresses over the WAN which include: DHCP, BootP, IPCP, and MacIP. WAN
IP is a feature for both the Small Office and Corporate Netopia ISDN Router models.
wiring closet: A central location where a building’s telephone and network wiring is connected. Multi-stor y
buildings often have a main wiring closet in the basement and satellite wiring closets on each floor.
zone: An arbitrar y subset of nodes within an AppleTalk internet. Creating multiple zones makes it easier for
users to locate network ser vices. The network administrator defines zones when he or she configures routers.
Isolated networks have no zones. LocalTalk and EtherTalk Phase I networks may have no more than one zone
each. EtherTalk Phase II and TokenTalk networks may have more than one zone each. Several networks of any
AppleTalk type may share a zone name.