Pumping down (re-installation) – Panasonic CS-A9CKPG User Manual
Page 57

1. Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way valves are set to
the opened position.
Removethevalvestem caps and confirm that thevalve
stems are in the opened position.
Be sure to use a hexagonal wrench to operate the valve
2. Operate the unit for 10 to 15 minutes.
3. Stop operation and wait for 3 minutes, then connect the
charge set to the service port of the 3-way valve.
Connect thechargehosewith thepush pin to theGas
service port.
4. Air purging of the charge hose.
Open thelow-pressurevalveon thechargeset slightly
to purgeair from thechargehose.
5. Set the 2-way valve to the close position.
6. Operate the air conditioner at the cooling cycle and
stop it when the gauge indicates 1 kg/cm
G (0.1 MPa).
7. Immediately set the 3-way valve to the closed position.
Do this quickly so that thegaugeends up indicating 3 to
5 kg/cm
G (0.3 to 0.5 MPa).
8. Disconnect the charge set, and mount the 2-way and 3-
way valve’s stem nuts and the service port caps.
Use a torque wrench to tighten the service port cap to a
torqueof 1.8 kg.m (18 N.m).
Be sure to check for gas leakage.
12.1.2. Pumping down (Re-installation)