In the phone, Add a field, Change a field content – Philips 530 User Manual

Page 33: Change a field type, Delete a field, Make default

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- If you cancelled the automatic copy of the SIM

phonebook at the very first switch of your phone,
you need to do it manually.

In the phone

Add a field


To add a new field to an existing record, select
the name of your choice, select


and press





and press


. Choose the type of

field to be added and press


. Enter the

number or text, then press


to save changes.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add up to 6 fields to the
same record. Make a short press on


to go

back to the previous menu, or a long press to go
back to the idle mode.

Numbers or text will appear in order of creation date.
The first fax or phone number you enter becomes the
default number. As such, it appears in first position in
the list. To make another number default, see “Make
default” page 31. Alp
hanumeric fields (note and e-
mail) can only be changed or deleted.

Change a field content


To change the content of a field in an existing
record, select the name of your choice, press


, select


and press




Select the field to be changed in the list and press




In the carousel that appears, select





. Make the changes wanted and press


to save them.

Change a field type

To change a field type of an existing
record, repeat steps 1 to 3 of the “Change
a field content”
paragraph. Then select

Change type

in the carousel menu, select the new type

of number and press


to confirm your choice.

If you copied your SIM phonebook into your phone,
some numbers might appear as being of «No type» and
don’t have any icon. «No type» numbers can be
changed: follow the procedure described previously to
define a type for these numbers.

Delete a field

To delete a field of an existing record, re-
peat steps 1 to 3 of the “Change a field
aragraph. Then select


in the carousel menu, and press


to confirm.

Make default

The first number you enter when
creating a new record becomes the
default number: it will appear first on the

Change type


Make default