Printronix ANSI Printer User Manual
Page 94

Appendix C
Program Attention. Used in applications programs.
Programmable Array Logic
parity (check)
Parity checking is the addition of non-data bits to
data, resulting in the number of 1 bits being either
always even or always odd. Parity is used to detect
transmission errors. Parity represents the value in
the check digit of the received or transmitted data.
Parsing is the process of separating a programming
statement into basic units that can be translated into
machine instructions. A printer can recover from an
erroneous code sequence by performing as much of
the function as possible or, parsing the valid
parameter from the invalid.
Personal Computer.
Printed Circuit Board. A PCB is an insulating board
on which circuit paths have been printed or etched.
Printed Circuit Board Assembly. A PCBA is a PCB
that has all of the electrical and mechanical
components (resistors, capacitors, ICs, sockets, etc.)
mounted on it.
Printronix Graphics Language. The software version
of the old hardware based IGP that is used in the
Printronix PSA line of printers. It provides the same
forms and barcode generation capabilities as the
Paper Instruction: A signal from the host with the
same timing and polarity as the data lines.
A name indicating a monospaced font with a pitch of
10 cpi and usually a 12 point height. Pica is used in
typography as a unit of measurement equal to 1/6
pin configuration
Establishes the physical attachment and protocol
conversion connections for the host interface.
The number of text characters printed per horizontal
inch. Specified in characters per inch (cpi).
Derived from picture (PIX) ELement. The smallest
displayable picture element on a video monitor or
printable unit. In printing, a pixel is a dot.
Physical Maximum Print Position. The longest line
the printer is capable of printing. This differs from
MPP in that the printer may be capable of printing
lines 132 characters wide (PMPP), but the print job is
only 80 characters wide (MPP). (See also MPP.)