The default – Printronix ANSI Printer User Manual
Page 69

The Default
Once the EVFU program has been enabled and loaded, sending the
appropriate channel code to the printer will cause any data in the buffer to
print and will move the paper to the next line on the form having the specified
channel number assigned in EVFU memory.
The Default
The default EVFU will be generated based on the current forms length and
LPI setting under the following conditions:
When the printer is initialized.
When either the forms definition or LPI setting is changed.
When the start EVFU load escape sequence ESC ]! is immediately
followed by the end load sequence ESC \.
When the clear vertical tabs ESC [4g sequence is received.
Table 25 shows how the default EVFU table is defined.
1560 LPRINT CHR$(72);CHR$(64);
Selects Channel 4. See Table 23.
1570 FOR I=1 TO 31
1571 LPRINT CHR$(64);CHR$(64);
1572 NEXT I
31 filler lines
1580 LPRINT CHR$(80);CHR$(64);
Selects Channel 5. See Table 23.
1590 FOR I=1 TO 8
1591 LPRINT CHR$(64);CHR$(64);
1592 NEXT I
8 filler lines
1600 LPRINT CHR$(64);CHR$(66);
Selects Channel 8. See Table 23.
1610 LPRINT CHR$(27);“\”;
Exit EVFU loading
1620 END
Table 24. Sample EVFU Loading Program
Program Instruction
Table 25. Default EVFU Table
Top Margin (first line)
Bottom Margin (last line)
Single Spacing
Double Spacing
Triple Spacing
Half Form