Printronix ANSI Printer User Manual
Page 17

Downloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory
Wait until you see “WAITING FOR PROGRAM DOWNLOAD” on the LCD
before proceeding. This can take up to 30 seconds to appear, depending
on the emulations and interfaces installed in the printer.
NOTE: The printer default port is CENTRONICS; if you want to use this port,
continue to step 16.
Press the
CENTRONICS” appears on the LCD.
Press the
(NEXT) key again to cycle through the download ports
available in the printer:
RS232-9600 (RS-232 serial, 9600 baud)
RS232-9600 (RS-232 serial, 19200 baud)
RS232-9600 (RS-232 serial, 38400 baud)
RS232-9600 (RS-232 serial, 115000 baud)
RS422-9600 (RS422 serial, 9600 baud)
RS422-9600 (RS422 serial, 19200 baud)
RS422-9600 (RS422 serial, 38400 baud)
RS422-9600 (RS422 serial, 115000 baud)
10. When the printer download port you want to use displays on the LCD,
press the ENTER key. “WAITING DOWNLOAD / PORT” = <your
selection> appears on the display.
11. Insert the optional font diskette into diskette drive A (or B) of the
12. Start a command prompt session. (The Start Menu icon is usually labeled
MS-DOS Prompt or Command Prompt.)
13. Make the diskette drive the active drive by typing:
14. List the contents of the diskette at the command prompt by typing the
You will see a directory listing containing files with a .dwn extension, e.g.,
94021.dwn, 94022.dwn, 94023.dwn.
15. Make note of the file name with the .dwn extension of each file you want
to download to the printer.
NOTE: The numeric portion of the file name will match the numbers of the
font typefaces listed in the PGL and VGL Programmer’s Reference
Manuals and provide you with a description and print sample of the
16. At the command prompt type:
copy /b filename.dwn LPT1
(where filename.dwn is file name you noted in step 15.)
NOTE: If you are loading the file using the LPT2 port on the computer, type
the following command:
copy /b filename.dwn LPT2
(where filename.dwn is a file you noted in step 15.)