Panduit DPOE24S1X User Manual
Page 38

® DPoE™ Power Patch Panel User’s Guide
Issue 2.2
Part Number: PN378A
If the Refresh Data option is checked, the EM will retrieve the latest information from the selected
panels and before prompting the network operator to enter a filename and location where the
information can be stored on the PC. After the panel-level information is saved, the operator is
prompted as to whether port-level information should be stored in a separate file.
View Port Information
In addition to the View Port Info
button on the tool bar, which will display configuration information
for all ports on the specified panel, the operator may double-click any port on the Visual Display
of the Front Panel portion on the View Panel Screen to view the information for that port only.
Clicking the View Port Info button will display the following screen and allow the network operator
to administer the ports on a given DPoE™ Power Patch Panel.