Palm VII User Manual

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purchase price paid by Customer for any defective software product, or to replace any
defective media with software which substantially conforms to applicable 3Com pub-
lished specifications. 3Com makes no warranty or representation that its software prod-
ucts will meet Customer's requirements or will work in combination with any hardware
or applications software products provided by third parties, that the operation of the
software products will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all defects in the software
products will be corrected.


In addition to the Hardware Warranty and Software War-

ranty stated above, 3Com warrants that the following date-data sensitive Palm Com-


products, namely the Pilot 1000, Pilot 5000, PalmPilot™ Personal Edition,

PalmPilot Professional Edition, Palm III™, and Palm VII™ connected organizers, as
well as all other 3Com products based on the Palm Computing platform software as of
July 1, 1998 and later, including the companion desktop software for Microsoft





and MAC OS

platforms, will continue performing properly with regard to

such date-data on and after January 1, 2000, provided that all other products used by
Customer in connection or combination with the Palm Computing product, including
hardware, software, and firmware, accurately exchange date-data with the Palm Com-
puting product. 3Com makes no certification regarding the Year 2000 status of any other
Palm Computing products.

Any Palm Computing platform application supplied by 3Com that makes correct use of
Palm Computing platform date and time functions will not have a problem transition-
ing to the year 2000. The date and time utilities for the Palm Computing platform use 32
bits to store seconds, starting at January 1, 1904. This approach allows the correct repre-
sentation of dates up to 6:28:15 A.M. on February 6, 2040. Provided the product is still
being sold by 3Com, 3Com will make software enhancements to remove this limitation
to the Palm Computing platform well in advance of this date.

If it appears that any Palm Computing product does not perform properly with regard
to such date-data on and after January 1, 2000, and Customer notifies Palm Computing
before the later of April 1, 2000, or ninety (90) days after original purchase of the product
from 3Com or its authorized reseller, 3Com shall, at its option and expense, provide a
software update which would effect the proper performance of the product, repair the
product, deliver to Customer an equivalent product to replace the product, or, if none
of the foregoing is feasible, refund to Customer the purchase price paid for the product.

Any software update or replaced or repaired Palm Computing product will carry a Year
2000 Limited Warranty for ninety (90) days after purchase or until April 1, 2000, which-
ever is later.

Customers using date and time utilities other than those supplied by Palm Computing
should check with the developer to determine if the software will correctly handle all of
the subtle issues of date and time conversion.


Customer must contact a Palm Computing,

Inc. or 3Com Technical Support or Customer Service center within the applicable war-
ranty period to obtain warranty service authorization. Dated proof of original purchase
from 3Com or its authorized reseller will be required. 3Com is not responsible for Cus-
tomer products or parts received without a warranty service authorization. In the Unit-
ed States, 3Com may ship a replacement product or part prior to receiving the original