How big was that clipping – Palm VII User Manual

Page 142

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Page 134

Query Applications and the iMessenger™ Application


Writing the first few letters of the state you want causes
the list to scroll to the first entry that begins with those
letters. For example, write “ca” to select and enter

6. (Optional) If you want to find the address of the person, tap the

Show Addresses check box to select it.

7. Tap Search.

Within seconds, your clipping appears. In this case, the query
application found two items that satisfy your query.

How big was that clipping?

After you receive a clipping, you can find out the size of the clipping
by tapping the title area of the screen. If you see two exclamation
points (!!) there, the clipping is larger than 1,000 bytes.

Tap here to submit your query