Clear concept – LST Vds EN 54 User Manual

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BC216-2_DBL_LST_EN_0804.PDF • PAGE 2


Building Safety. Building Security.

Clear Concept

The BCnet sectional control panels BC216-2 and

BC216-3 are modularly designed sectional control pa-

nels of the fi re detection control panel BCnet216 that

are connected via the Global Security System network

GSSnet. Depending on their confi guration, they provide

the following features:

• The Conventional Detector Interface GIF8-1 permits

the connection of automatic detectors and manual

call points in conventional technology as well as spe-

cial detectors with contact output. Individual detector

identifi cation can be achieved by means of an optio-

nal address module.

• Detectors and modules in ADM loop technology can

be connected to the Loop Interface LIF64-1. Depen-

ding on the parameterisation, either the Apollo/Disco-

very protocol or the System Sensor/200 protocol is

used to achieve bi-directional data transfer.

• Since the BCnet216 is compatible to LST fi re detec-

tion control panels of previous generations, the ex-

change or expansion of existing systems in conventi-

onal technology or ADM loop technology is possible.

The existing detector installation can be used without


• The optional Fire Brigade Interface FWI2-1 serves

for the connection of two independent transmitting

devices for a direct interconnection to a designated

alarm respondent (e.g., the fi re brigade) as well as

for the connection of a country-specifi c fi re brigade

control unit. By using the Fire Brigade Interface Addi-

tional Board FWZ2-1, a line supervision for both of the

transmitting devices is accomplished.

• Customizable outputs and logical combinations of

detectors and detector zones for the activation of

external controls and alarming devices facilitate ma-

ximum fl exibility. Thus, no additional expenses arise

for external relays, logic gates or timers. Thanks to

the wide range of parameterisation possibilities, indi-

vidual requirements even under the most diffi cult am-

bient conditions can be combined into a reasonable

fi re protection strategy.

• By integrating input and output modules on any positi-

on in the loop you can realize enablements or disable-

ments as well as control tasks in your system without

having to care for additional wires.

• The free combination of detectors and modules into

logic sectors allows for the joint operation of defi ned

parts of the system even beyond the limits of loops

or sectional control panels.

• The use of unshielded loop cables allows for cost-

saving and uncomplicated installation as well as for

the possibility of reusing the existing cabling.

• An event memory allows for the display of the la-

test 500 events on the main operating unit of the

BCnet216 at any time. Thus, all system conditions

and user operations that occurred are documented

with all the necessary information in a clearly laid out


• At a central processing board failure, the diversifi ed

redundancy concept ensures secure alarm recogniti-


• The processor-monitored power supply ensures per-

manent surveillance and charging of the batteries.

This way, even during a mains power failure the un-

troubled and uninterrupted operation (for more than

72 hours depending on the design) is guaranteed.

• Three hierarchized authorization levels for operation

and parameterisation facilitate a high degree of secu-

rity against unauthorized access.

• On a sectional control panel with display and operating

fi eld (BC216-2), depending on the parameterisation,

the entire system or only specifi c sectional control

panels can be operated. In the same way, the display

of events from the other sectional control panels can

be suppressed.

• The parameter data can be created by means of the

PC software PARSOFT and loaded into the control pa-

nel in a comfortable way. Thus, a quick and effi cient

transfer of the system confi guration into the control

panel is guaranteed.

• AUTO setup facilitates parameterisation when the

control panel is commissioned or expanded and thus

helps to save time.

The fl at wall mount cabinet allows for an easy mounting

in virtually any place of the building. Thanks to its mo-

dern, ageless design, architectural requirements and

demands of the respective regulations are ideally com-

bined. The compact design allows for the accommoda-

tion of the function modules, the auxiliary modules and

batteries up to 22Ah apart from the central processing

board in the standard case. If a higher battery capacity

is needed, an auxiliary case of the same design is avai-

lable. BCnet216 thus stands for modularity and easy


These products comply with all relevant standards of

EN 54 and are VdS-certifi ed. In addition, the products

also hold several country-specifi c approvals and certi-

fi cates. LST‘s high quality level is secured by a perma-

nently monitored quality management system certifi ed

by ISO 9001.

This manual is related to the following products: