LST Vds EN 54 User Manual

LST Safety

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BC216-2_DBL_LST_EN_0804.PDF • PAGE 1


Building Safety. Building Security.


• Flexibly expandable control panel

network for mid-sized/large systems

• Easy installation since control panels

can be arranged physically distributed

• With or without display and operating

fi eld

• Analogue ringbus technology with

unshielded detector cabling

• Addressable conventional technology
• EN 54/VdS-certifi ed

The Fire Detection Control Panel BCnet216 in wall mount

cabinet is a decentrally located control panel for medi-

um-sized to very large or far-fl ung fi re detection sys-

tems and consists of individual sectional control panels.

The sectional control panels are normally installed on

the spot – adapted to the object and distributed across

the building. They can, however, also be combined at

one or several locations.

The control panel can easily be adapted to any required

system size and provides literally unlimited possibilities

also for future extensions.

All sectional control panels are connected with each

other via a redundant high-security network (the Global

Security System network GSSnet). The decentralized

structure not only reduces the cabling work for con-

necting fi re detectors, but also, above all, signifi cantly

improves the failure safety of the entire system com-

pared to conventionally designed fi re detection control


The BCnet sectional control panels with wall mount ca-

binet are available with (BC216-2) or without (BC216-3)

display and operating fi eld. Both versions provide two

slots for the connection of function modules (Conventi-

onal Detector Interface GIF8-1 or Loop Interface LIF64-

1) to which a total of 16 detector lines in addressable

conventional technology or a total of two ADM loops

(ringbus technology) or a combination of the both can

be connected.

The sectional control panel can be expanded by two

additional ADM loops with the BCnet sectional control

panel/extension. This way, up to four ADM loops can be

provided in one wall mount cabinet.

Easy parameterisation by means of PC software en-

ables you to optimally adapt the control panel to your

individual requirements.

Fire is a permanent threat to life and property. There-

fore, immediate response to a fi re is imperative. The

main objective of the fi re detection control panel Series

BC216 is to alarm and to react in time and, conse-

quently, save lives and protect property. For decades

LST have focused their aims to undertaking unrivaled

efforts in order to realize new innovations in the security

area. Research, development and production are loca-

ted within LST premises, thus guaranteeing fl exible and

reliable individual solutions.

Using a 32-bit multiprocessor system, the fi re detection

control panel Series BC216 ensures topmost effi ciency

and speed – prerequisites for saving lives and minimi-

zing damage to property.

This manual is related to the following products: