Lexmark 3455 User Manual
Page 181

Setting MarkNet internal Print Server
Job Timeout ................................. 86
Setting the MarkNet Pro external print
server busy timeout ...................... 88
Setting the MarkNet Pro external print
server job timeout ........................ 88
Setting the MarkNet XLe busy timeout
..................................................... 91
Setting the MarkNet XLe job timeout
..................................................... 90
Settings requiring operator
intervention .................................. 73
SIMM for IPDS ........................ 22;123
SIMM for IPDS options................... 27
Technical specifications................. 147
Technical support ............................ 12
Tests menu ................................ 17;140
Trace Functions ............................... 43
Tray 1 Adjust ................................... 64
TRAY 1 ADJUST ........................... 65
Tray 2 Adjust ................................... 64
TRAY 2 ADJUST ........................... 65
Tray 3 Adjust ................................... 64
TRAY 3 ADJUST ........................... 66
Tray 4 Adjust ...................................64
TRAY 4 ADJUST ............................66
Tray 5 Adjust ...................................64
TRAY 5 ADJUST ............................67
Troubleshooting .............................133
Twinax adapter for SCS .................121
Twinax attachment ...........................26
Twinax device description .............129
Twinax interface settings................127
Twinax Timeout ......................129;133
Twinaxial attachment .....................150
Two IPDS Sources Recycle Power 141
Universal Size ..................................52
Unpacking the SIMM.......................14
Using the operator panel setup options
Verify SCS Configuration ..............125
Warranty ........................................145
Web site ...........................................12