LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 8

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 8 QNH RES (QNH and Safety Altitude)
Input Procedure:
• Use the UP/DOWN selector to choose the item it is required to change (QNH, MG.VAR, ALT.R. or BUGS)
• Press ENTER
• Use UP/DOWN to select the value required and press ENTER to input it
• Once all changes are complete, press ESC top return to SETUP menu
QNH: Using this feature it is possible to offset the altitude datum, which could have changed due to pressure changes
during the flight. During the initial power up sequence, an option to enter the QNH was presented. If the actual QNH
was entered at that stage, then this feature is active. If the QNH feature was 'stepped over' during power up, then this
function is not active. As changing the QNH influences the indicated altitude, care should be taken when changing the
value as an incorrect setting can upset the final glide calculation.
MG. V. If the GPS receiver calculates magnetic variation then AUTO will be displayed here and no input is possible.
If AUTO is not displayed, then the GPS receiver is not calculating magnetic variation and it is obligatory to input the
magnetic variation for the area being flown over. If this is not done, then all calculated winds and tracks flown will be
true and not magnetic.
ALT.R. This setting is the altitude reserve or safety altitude, and is the height that the instrument adds to the final glide
altitude required so that the glider arrives over the final glide destination at the selected safety altitude. After safety
altitude input, the pilot has has to keep final glide indicator on 0 to arrive on safety altitude.
BUGS: This sets the polar degradation because of “buggy” wings. The input is in percentage degradation of glide
ratio. (5%, means glide ratio degradation is 5%) LOGGER (FLIGHT RECORDER)
The flight recorder is fully approved by the IGC (A sub-committee of the FAI.) and will produce secure flight records
that are acceptable for all FAI requirements including world records.
After selecting LOGGER and pressing ENTER, the following flight recorder settings are accessible.
FLIGHT INFO All important data, such as the pilot's name, glider type, glider registration, competition number and
competition class can be entered. The data is entered with the ENTER, UP/DOWN and ESC routine. This data is
subsequently written into the 'H' record of the IGC flight log. Alternatively, this data can be entered with a PC and the
LXe-program; or via a Colibri or LX20 (see Chapter 4).