LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 49

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 49
Confirming RESTART with Y will restore the actual task. The task is now ready for new start. The restart has no
influence on recorded data or declaration. Automatic swap on reaching a TP using standard task and AAT
By default, the LX 7007 PRO IGC switches over to the navigation data of the next turn point, as soon as a fix is
recorded in the sector of the destination TP. If a turn point cannot be reached, the pilot can manually switch (jump
over) to the next turn point by pressing START for approx. 6 sec. (just watch nav. data). Alternatively, he can delete
the unreachable turn point in the TASK / EDIT(recommended). Neither action has any effect on the declaration! Use of MOVE function
When an AAT is tasked, the pilot has to decide how far into the sector he wants to fly. The MOVE function (see Para modifies the task automatically as the TP is moved, recalculating the distance, ETA, required average speed,
final glide and minimum glide ratio to reach the finish line, taking into account any safety altitude that has been set.
Once the task has been started, the MOVE function is immediately available for the next TP on pressing ENTER,
irrespective of which navigation page is selected.
After using the MOVE function, once the glider is in the AAT sector, the pilot is able to change over to next TP simply
by pressing START at any time. The current position will then become the #TP just turned, the task will be modified
automatically and it will be written into the statistics.
When flying an AAT and using the ZONE function, there are three ways that the AUTO NEXT parameter may be
set to N:
• Setting N manually,
• Selecting R1 to more than 10 km (N will be set automatically),
• Use of the MOVE function before reaching the sector.
In each of these cases the AUTO NEXT parameter is automatically set to ‘N’, and when inside the AAT sector, it
will be necessary to manually change to the next TP by making a short press of the START button. When this is
done, the present position becomes the new TP in the AAT, but the screen will continue to show the old task
structure. However, if the TP has already been MOVEd prior to entering the sector, then pressing the START
button will make the present position become the new TP, and the task will be modified with new # TP. This
ensures that the statistics remain correct, both during and after flight. It is therefore recommended that the MOVE
function is used prior to entering the AAT sector