LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 41

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 41
All known methods (select, insert, and delete) can be used to change the declaration at this stage. Changing of
declaration will not change the TSK. The take off and start points as well as finish and landing points will usually be
the same. If these points are not identical in your task you have to change either start point or take off point as
The normal procedure for declaration is:
• Prepare TSK in TSK/EDIT menu (you will need it for navigation later).
• Press ENTER on DECLARE, check it is correct and then press ESC to make the declaration.
• A short message on the screen will then show the time and date of the declaration
If the task declaration procedure has not been made before take off and a believable task has been flown, then an
afterward declaration will be written into IGC file, such a declaration is not valid for official IGC flights (time of
declaration after landing), but can be used for pilot private flight evaluation. Only declarations made before the flight
(manually or via flight info data transfer) will fulfill IGC requirements. A declaration will remain active for one flight
only (power down will not delete the declaration).
This mode is exclusively used to give the pilot information about his actual flight. There are two levels of statistics;
flight statistics and task statistics. Flight statistics are active immediately after take off and task statistics are activated
once a start is made. (see Para Statistics during flight
Flight statistics
The following page is visible during the flight and for a few minutes after landing, before the instrument switches to the
'Calculating Security' procedure.
TSK Statistics
The following statistics are available after the task has been started. Rotation of the UP/DOWN selector permits
scrolling through individual legs.
Take off
Flight time
Climbing %