LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 47

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 47
2.4.3 Preflight check
It is strongly recommended to check all settings in the setup mode access able without the password in case they have
been changed by a previous pilot. All parameters remain unchanged after switching off, with the exception of:
• Ballast if not defined with set in setup LOAD
It is recommended that a task is set up prior to take-off. It can either be imported from a PC, LX20 or Colibri set up at
home or during briefing, or entered directly into the instrument.
2.4.4 Performing the flight
It is recommended to switch the LX 7007 PRO IGC on some minutes before the estimated take off time to ensure that
the GPS is locked on, and the obligatory baseline for the barogram in the IGC file is made
If a task (TSK) is to be flown, please ensure that:
• The correct task is selected. It should be checked (by using the EDIT) that the correct TPs are selected and are in
the correct sequence.
• Point '0' is always the start point (not the take off point).
• Declare the task, if you want to achieve a FAI-badge, record, or decentralized flight.
• Do not forget to change the declaration if your task start point is not also the take off point! Preparing a task
While it is advisable to prepare the task correctly before taking off and thus avoid mistakes made in haste, all the
following actions, with the exception of a FAI Declaration, can also be done during flight.
1. Entering the task
• Transfer the task file from a PC, LX20 or Colibri
• Copy a similar one and edit it (saving of time)
• Enter a new task manually.
2. Check task
• Correct TP´s and in the correct sequence.
• That the Task distance is correct.
3. Sector editing
If planning to fly an AAT, the local sectors should be set in the ZONE menu under TASK / EDIT.
A sector is defined as an area between the radials 30
and 70
related to the turn point, the radius is 20km.
When attempting an FAI Badge Flight, do not forget to make an electronic declaration before take-off using the
'TASK DECLARE' procedure. While declaration during or after the flight is possible, the declaration will not
be valid for IGC or competition purposes!