LXI LX7007 User Manual

Page 35

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LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0


Page 35

GSPEED DIF. is the simplest method. The calculation is based on measuring ground speed changes while circling. A
minimum of two full circles are necessary to obtain an accurate wind. The message WAIT2 or WAIT 1 informs the
pilot how many circles are left to get the result. It is very important to keep the speed constant while circling to ensure
that accurate results are obtained. The pilot is able to adjust the wind using manual corrections through the Offset

POS. DRIFT is the most accurate method. It is based on measuring the drift due to the wind during 6 full circles.
These circles have to be flown accurately and at a constant speed to achieve the best results. WAIT 6 to 1 indicates
how many circles are left until a result is produced.

COMBINATION is using a combination of two methods:
-during the climbing a very realiable method GSPPED DIF. is used and during straight flight an algorithm which
calculates wind after input of GS,GTand TAS. The change over between methods is done automatically.

COMPONENT calculates the wind component (head or tail wind). The calculation is based on measuring the
difference between GS and TAS during straight flight.

is not a calculation; it simply allows the pilot to input the wind vector that he wants to use.

COMPASS wind calculation method is available only with the optional compass device. Its use is described in the
COMPASS manual.

2.2.4 TP - Turn Points

The LX 7007 PRO IGC has the memory capacity to store up to 600 turn points. The turn point name can have a
maximum of 8 characters (letters or numbers, no lower case letters and no special signs except * and _ ). The menu
structure is the same as in the APT menu - either four or five pages depending on the set up parameters. A turn point
can be added to the database in one of four ways:

• Manual input
• Copy from APT database

• Data transfer from a PC, LX20 or Colibri (*.DA4 format)

• Input of actual present position

The procedure is similar to the method of selecting an APT. While in any TP page, press ENTER and a menu showing

To select a turn point simply replace the stars with the first letters of the TP.

The LX 7007 PRO IGC is able to sort the turn points alphabetically or by distance from present position. The method
used is defined in the setup menu. The default setting is alphabetic. If sorting by distance is selected, then the nearest
will appear after selection (all stars confirmed with ESC). To search for the TP use UP/DOWN selector and
confirm with ENTER.

It is also possible to select TP by using ZOOM selector. This works exclusively from the first page. To change the TP
simply rotate the ZOOM selector.


Offset input