3 pc, pda and colibri/lx20 communication – LXI LX7007 User Manual
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LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
The simple task feature is active prior to a regular task being started. The feature is very useful for pilots who do not
fly tasks but fly from TP to TP (or to an APT). Simple task permits statistics to be stored like a real task and which can
be displayed on the Statistics page and also evaluated by a PC after flight.
Immediately after take off, the current position will be considered to be a start point. On reaching a TP or APT which
has been selected in TP or APT pages, the point will be treated as a TP in a simple task and so on. The radius to define
confirmation of arrival at the TP is set by pilot in „NEAR TP“ (SETUP/PASW/TP). The simple task grows as more
and more TPs and APTs are reached. The flight statistics are the same as a real task except that TSK S shows that no
regular task is being flown.
A new simple task can be started by carrying out a RESTART procedure, and the actual position at the time of the
restart will be the start point in a new simple task.
3 PC, PDA and Colibri/LX20 Communication
The unit is able to adapt automatically to the baudrate of the partner unit, so no any more problems, if both units don’t
have the same baudrate. A very typical message AUTODETECT will inform about searching for sinhronisation. After
sinhronization is established a CONNECT status will appear.
The LX 7007 PRO IGC is able to communicate with a:
• PC, using LXe, SeeYou, Strepla or CAL programs.
• PDA, ConnectLX, Downloader
• LX 20
• Colibri
• Posigraph
The unit is equipped with three physically separated com ports, which means no data collision even all possible devices
connected and switched on.
The following data can be transferred bi-directional between a LX20, Colibri or Posigraph
• TP and TSK data (DA4)
• Flight information
Using the LX7007 PRO IGC in conjunction with a LX20 or Colibri, it is possible to prepare a flight at home or during
the competition briefing, and then when at the airfield use the LX20 or Colibri as a data source for LX 7007 PRO IGC.
Similarly, a task can be programmed in a PC and then transferred to a LX20 or Colibri for subsequent loading into the
Using of a PDA will do the same, but additionally offers downloading of flights, which means practically no use of PC
in cockpit any more. Flying a competition PDA can be used like data transportation medium Glider – Scoring office,
while the flights stored in PDA includes secure data.