LXI LX7007 User Manual

Page 16

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LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0


Page 16

It is therefore recommended that the graphics page is displayed during the start procedure to ensure that a good start is

Other possible options for the setting of A21 are:

RAD.1.TP: This type of start sector was used in the 1999 World Gliding Championships in Bayreuth. A radius is
drawn from the first turn point, through the start point and a second, greater radius is drawn, thus creating a radial
segment of defined length orientated symmetrically about the start point. The advantage of this system is that a
pilot starting at the extremity of the sector has to fly the same distance to the first turn point as a pilot starting
directly over the start point. This refinement compares with the classical start line where the distance to the first
turn point is increased the further one starts from the centre of the line.


RAD.1.TP and AUTO are selected


This setting is ignored; only R1, which defines the length of the segment, is relevant


Set to 6km, the half-length of the segment, giving a total segment length of 12km


Again, this setting is ignored


This sets the length of the two truncated radials that define the edges of the start sector. The setting is
2km in this example

FIXED VALUE: This setting allows the bearing of the bisector to be rotated so that it is no longer aligned with
the track to the first turn point. The required bearing is entered in A21 after FIXED VALUE:. This option is
rarely used for start sectors, but is often used for finish zones which may require to be orientated to a particular
runway (see “FINISH ZONE”).

Start 1: not valid with start

Start 2: valid with start

Start 3: valid with start

Start 4: not valid with start