LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 36

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 36 TP EDIT
This option allows the pilot to change TP data at any time. The turn points used in LX 7007 PRO IGC have four
attributes. Using attributes, when the turn points are displayed in graphic pages, they will be represented by different
symbols. The four different types of turn points are as follows:
• T.POINT normal TP, not landable
• AIRFIELD landable airfield
• OUTLAND landable outlanding place
• MARKER temporary marker which will be deleted when the instrument is switched OFF
TPs having an airport or outland attribute are landable and are shown on the NEAR AIRPORT page. In front of the
name the pilot will see a symbol indicating what kind of landing place it is (see NEAR).
To start EDIT press ENTER.
Name, attribute, coordinates and elevation can be changed at any time. TP NEW
Place cursor on NEW and press ENTER. The following window will be displayed.
'Y' allows a new turn point to be copied from the APT database. If it is required to enter a completely new turn point,
then select 'N'. A second menu will then be displayed allowing the name, co-ordinates, attributes and elevation of the
new turn point to be entered. TP delete
If this option is selected, then delete confirmation will be requested. If the reply is 'Y', then the turn point will be
deleted and cannot be recovered. TEAM
This function is the same as described under APT in para WIND
This function is the same as described under APT in para TP QUICK - Storing of actual position
The procedure is activated by pressing the START button while in the TP-main page only !