LXI LX7007 User Manual
Page 39

LX 7007 pro IGC V1.0
Page 39
tasks are already modified for AAT. The AAT modified tasks are active for three flights only. After the third flight
all sectors are set back to the default settings (as defined in SETUP/OBS.ZONES). This feature allows the competition
pilot to make three take offs without loosing the AAT information.
• ZONE- Using this faction, an individual sector can be defined for each turn point of the task. In the following
example TP 0, the start sector at Thalmaes is defined
A21, A1, A2, R1 and R2 have the same meaning described in SETUP/OBS. ZONES (Para
The final option. AUTO NEXT defines what happens after reaching the programmed zone. When flying “normal”
speed tasks, with AUTO NEXT set to Y (Yes), the LX 7007 PRO IGC will change over to next turn point immediately
after a fix is recorded in the sector. In an AAT this is not very useful, because of big sectors and the need to use the
MOVE function. Setting the AUTO NEXT to N (No) prevents the LX 7007 PRO IGC from switching to the next turn
point when reaching the sector. The pilot must switch over manually by making a short press of the START button.
In the example below an individual sector with 60
has been set at the first turn point and the automatic switch over
Selecting R1 more than 10 km, will set AUTO N automatically.
Start is default N, the TP will automatically change to N after MOVE function is activated.
• MOVE In an AAT the sectors are generally quite large, therefore it is reasonable to consider modifying the
task during flight. All AAT′s (max. 5, see above) offer this possibility. Moving of the turn points is allowed
inside the sector only.
Editing a task and the corresponding sectors can also be done during flight. (See 'Flying with the LX 7007 PRO IGC'
Para 3.4)
Required speed to finish the TSK
in time
Time left
Distance to fly after MOVE
Final glide difference till finish, three
numbers and + or -
Min. glide ratio to reach the finish (safety
altitude has been taken into account)
“Moved” TP