Vertical venting – Lochinvar EnergyRite ER302 User Manual
Page 19

Installation & Operation Manual
Vertical venting
Figure 4-1_Vent Termination from Peaked Roof -
10 Feet or Less From Ridge
Vertical venting termination
Figure 4-3_Vent Termination from Peaked Roof
More Than 10 Feet From Ridge
The vent terminal should be vertical and exhaust outside
the building at least 2 feet above the highest point of the
roof within a 10 foot radius of the termination.
The vertical termination must be a minimum of 3 feet
above the point of exit.
Figure 4-2_Vent Termination from Flat Roof 10 Feet
or Less from Parapet Wall
Figure 4-4_Vent Termination from Flat Roof More
Than 10 Feet from Parapet Wall
A vertical termination less than 10 feet from a parapet wall must
be a minimum of 2 feet higher than the parapet wall.
The vent cap should have a minimum clearance of 4 feet
horizontally from and in no case above or below, unless a 4 foot
horizontal distance is maintained from electric meters, gas
meters, regulators, and relief equipment.
The venting system shall terminate at least 3 feet above any
forced air inlet within 10 feet.