Conventional venting, A conventional negative draft venting system – Lochinvar EnergyRite ER302 User Manual
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Installation & Operation Manual
Conventional venting
Figure 3-1_Conventional Negative Draft Vertical
Venting with Combustion Air Louvers
A conventional negative draft venting system
The outdoor vent cap assembly must be removed before any
connection to a conventional negative draft vent system can
be made. A conventional vent adapter kit must be installed
on the pool heater’s flue outlet. The conventional vent kit
includes the flue adapter and an air inlet cover. Mount the
air inlet cover over the combustion air inlet opening on the
rear of the jacket. No additional draft diverter or
barometric damper is required on single unit installations
with a dedicated stack and a negative draft within the
specified range of a negative 0.02 to 0.08 inches water. If the
draft in a dedicated stack for a single unit installation
exceeds the maximum specified draft, a barometric damper
must be installed to control draft. Multiple unit
installations with combined venting or common venting of
this pool heater with other Category I negative draft
appliances requires that each pool heater must have a
barometric damper installed to regulate draft within the
proper range.
Conventional Vent
Flue Size
Conventional Vent
Kit Number
The negative draft in a conventional vent installation must
be within the range of a negative 0.02 to 0.08 inches water
to ensure proper operation. All draft readings are made
while the unit is in stable operation (approximately 2 to 5
minutes). Remember that the draft in a conventional
negative draft vent may vary seasonally. A pool heater
with a high draft when operating in the winter months
may have a much lower draft in the summer. Initial set-up
of a vent system with a draft of not more than a negative
0.05 inches water will generally ensure that increased draft
in the winter months will not exceed the specified
maximum. Maximum draft can not exceed a negative
0.08 inches of water.
On a conventionally vented, negative draft pool heater, the
connection from the vent to the stack or vent termination
outside the building must be made with listed Type “B”
double-wall (or equivalent) vent connectors and must be
direct as possible with no reduction in diameter. Use the
National Fuel Gas Code venting tables for double-wall
vent to properly size all vent connectors and stacks. The
Type “B” vent and accessories, such as firestop spacers,
thimbles, caps, etc., must be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions. The vent connector and
firestop must provide correct spacing to combustible
surfaces and seal to the vent connector on the upper and
lower sides of each floor or ceiling through which the vent
connector passes.
Any vent materials specified must be listed by a nationally
recognized test agency for use as vent material.
Locate the pool heater as close as practicable to chimney
or gas vent.
Avoid long horizontal runs of the vent pipe, 90° elbows,
reductions and restrictions. Horizontal portions of the
venting system shall be supported to prevent sagging.
Horizontal runs must slope upwards not less than 1/4 inch
per foot from the appliance to the vent terminal.
Do not use an existing chimney as a raceway for a flue pipe
if another appliance or fireplace is vented through the
The weight of the venting system must not rest on the
unit. Adequate support of the venting system must be
provided in compliance with local codes and other
applicable codes. All connections should be secured with
rustproof sheet metal screws.
Vent connectors serving appliances vented by natural draft
MUST NOT be connected to any portion of a mechanical
draft system operating under positive pressure.
Connection to a positive pressure stack may cause flue
products to be discharged into the living space causing
serious health injury.
*On the ER402 model you MUST have at least 8 feet of
vertical vent to use a 6" vent , if less than 8 feet the vent size
must increase to 7".