KORG TRITON Le Electric Keyboard User Manual
Page 243

Sostenuto (CC#66) [Bn, 42, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned as the function of the ASSIGN-
ABLE SWITCH, operating the switch will transmit this mes-
sage with vv=127 [7F] for ON, and vv=0 [00] for OFF, and
the sostenuto effect will be turned on/off. When this mes-
sage is received, the result will be the same as when the con-
troller is operated (OFF for vv=63 [3F] or below, and ON for
vv=64 [40] or above).
Soft pedal (CC#67) [Bn, 43, vv]
If the above CC# is assigned as the function of the ASSIGN-
ABLE SWITCH, the soft pedal effect will be turned on/off.
When this message is received, the result will be the same as
when the controller is operated.
Controlling via the controllers of a connected MIDI
instrument such as the TRITON
Ribbon Controller (CC#16) [Bn, 10, vv]
When a control change is received from the ribbon controller
or other assigned controller of a MIDI instrument (such as
the TRITON), the specified effect (e.g., alternate modulation
or dynamic modulation) will be applied.
• In Combination or Sequencer modes, transmission and
reception can be turned on/off for each timbre/track.
(“Ribbon CC#16” COMBI 4.2–2a, SEQ 4.2–3(4)a)
Controller (CC#18) [Bn, 12, vv]
When the [VALUE] slider of MIDI instruments such as the
TRITON, or a control change assigned to a controller is
received, the specified alternate modulation or dynamic
modulation effect will be applied.
Controlling the tone/envelope of a program
CC#70 control specific parameters of a program. For details
on the program parameters that correspond to each control
change, and how this instrument will respond in each mode
when these are received, refer to “TRITON Le operations
when control changes are transmitted/received” (☞p.228).
Low pass filter cutoff (CC#74) [Bn, 4A, vv]
Resonance level/High pass filter cutoff (CC#71) [Bn, 47, vv]
Filter EG intensity (CC#79) [Bn, 4F, vv]
Release time (CC#72) [Bn, 48, vv]
These messages are transmitted when you operate this
instrument’s REALTIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs in A-
mode. (They can also be set as B-mode functions.)
Sustain level (CC#70) [Bn, 46, vv]
Attack time (CC#73) [Bn, 49, vv]
Decay time (CC#75) [Bn, 4B, vv]
LFO 1 speed (CC#76) [Bn, 4C, vv]
LFO 1 depth (pitch) (CC#77) [Bn, 4D, vv]
LFO 1 delay (CC#78) [Bn, 4E, vv]
These messages are transmitted when assign the above CC#
to the REALTIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs in B-mode and
operate them.
When you operate these, the corresponding program
parameters will be controlled, and the sound and envelope
will change. When these messages are received, the result
will be the same as when the controller is operated. (When
the message has a value vv=64 [40], the setting will have the
value that was set by the program parameter.)
• In Combination and Sequencer modes, transmission/
reception can be turned on/off independently for each
timbre/track (“Realtime Control Knob1, 2, 3, 4” COMBI
4.3–1a, SEQ 4.3).
In Program mode, the corresponding program parame-
ters will be temporarily edited by these messages. You
can Write the program to save the modified state
(except for certain parameters). The Write operation can
also be performed by a MIDI exclusive Program Write
Request message, in addition to the usual method of
using the TRITON Le’s switches. When you write the
data, the values of the corresponding program parame-
ters will be rewritten.
The results of receiving these messages will depend on
the instrument. The operation may be different when a
device other than the TRITON Le is connected.
Silencing all notes on a specific channel
All note off (CC#123) [Bn, 7B, 00] (value 00)
When this is received, all currently-sounding notes on that
channel will be turned off (as though the keys had been
released). However, the release portion of the notes will
All sound off (CC#120) [Bn, 78, 00] (value 00)
When this is received, all currently-sounding notes on that
channel will be silenced. While the All Note Off message
allows the release portion of the notes to remain, the All
Sound Off message will silence the notes immediately.
However, these messages are provided for emergency use,
and are not something that you will use while performing.
Resetting all controllers on a specific channel
Reset all controllers (CC#121) [Bn, 79, 00] (value 00)
When this is received, the value of all controllers on that
channel will be reset.
Using RPN to edit
RPN (Registered Parameter Number) is a type of message
that allows settings to be made in a way that is common
between instrument manufacturers. (NRPN (Non-registered
Parameter Numbers) and exclusive messages can be freely
used in non-compatible ways by different manufacturers
and models of instrument.)
RPN messages can be used for editing with the following
1 Use RPN MSB (CC#101) [Bn, 65, mm] and RPN LSB
(CC#100) [Bn, 64, rr] (n: channel, mm, rr: upper and
lower bytes of the parameter number) messages to select
the parameter.
2 Use data entry MSB (CC#6) [Bn, 06, mm] and data entry
LSB (CC#38) [Bn, 26, vv] (n: channel, mm, vv: upper and
lower bytes of the value, together expressing 16,384 lev-
els) to specify the value.
3 You can use data increment (CC#96) [Bn, 60,00] or data
decrement (CC#97) [Bn, 61, 00] (n: channel, value is fixed
at 00) to change the value in steps of one.
The TRITON Le can receive the following three RPN mes-
sages (tuning, transpose, and pitch bend range).
RPN fine tune [Bn, 65, 00, 64, 01]
This RPN message can be used to adjust the detuning for a
program or timbre (in Combination mode), or for a track (in
Sequencer mode).
The procedure is as follows.
1 [Bn, 65, 00, 64, 01]: Select RPN parameter 01.
2 [Bn, 06, mm, 26, vv]: Use data entry to set the value. A