1–4: os2lfo (osc2 lfo), 1–5: eg (pitch eg), 1–4: os2lfo – KORG TRITON Le Electric Keyboard User Manual

Page 19: 1–5: eg

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3.1–4: OS2lfo


Specifies the amount of pitch change produced by LFO1 and
LFO2 for oscillator 1. For an explanation of each parameter,
refer to the preceding “3.1–2: OS1lfo.”

3.1–5: EG

(Pitch EG)

Here you can make settings for the pitch EG, which creates
time-variant changes in the pitch of oscillators 1 and 2.
The depth of pitch change produced by these EG settings on
oscillator 1 (2) is adjusted by “Pitch EG” (3.1–1b, 3.1–3).

3.1–5a: Pitch EG

These settings specify how the pitch will change over time.

L (Level):

These parameters specify the amount of pitch change.
The actual amount of pitch change will depend on the
“Pitch EG” (3.1–1b, 3.1–3) parameter “Intensity.” For exam-
ple with an “Intensity” setting of +12.00, a “Level” setting of

would raise the pitch one octave, and a “Level” setting

of –99 would lower the pitch one octave.

S (Start Level)


Specifies the amount of pitch change at note-on.

A (Attack Level)


Specifies the amount of pitch change when the attack time
has elapsed.

R (Release Level)


Specifies the amount of pitch change when the release time
has elapsed.

T (Time):

These parameters specify the length of time over which the
pitch change will occur.

A (Attack Time)


Specifies the time over which the pitch will change from
note-on until it reaches the pitch specified as the attack level.

D (Decay Time)


Specifies the time over which the pitch will change after
reaching the attack level until it reaches the normal pitch.

R (Release Time)


Specifies the time over which the pitch will change from
note-off until it reaches the pitch specified as the release

3.1–5b: Level Mod. (Level Modulation)

These settings allow the pitch EG “L (Level)” parameters to
be controlled by alternate modulation.

AMS1 (Level Mod. AMS1)

[Off, (KT, EXT)]

Selects the source that will control the pitch EG “L (Level)”
parameters (☞p.212 “AMS List”).

I (AMS1 Intensity)


Specifies the depth and direction of the effect applied by
“AMS1 (Level Mod. AMS1).”
With a setting of 0, the levels specified by “Pitch EG” (3.1–
5a) will be used.
For example, if “AMS1 (Level Mod. AMS1)” is SW1 #80,
pressing the [SW1] key to turn it on will change the “Level”
parameters of the Pitch EG. (“SW1/2 Assign”: 2.2–1b) to
SW1 Mod. (CC#80)

. As the absolute value of “I (AMS1

Intensity)” is increased, the pitch EG levels will change more
greatly when the [SW1] key is turned on. The direction of
the change is specified by “S (AMS1 SW Start)” and “A
(AMS1 SW Attack).” When the [SW1] key is turned off, the
pitch EG levels will return to their own settings.
If “AMS1” is set to Velocity, increasing the absolute value of
“Intensity” will produce increasingly wider change in pitch
EG levels for strongly-played notes. The direction of the
change is specified by “S (AMS1 SW Start)” and “A (AMS1
SW Attack).” As you play more softly, the pitch change will
draw closer to the pitch EG levels.

S (AMS1 SW Start)

[–, 0, +]

Specifies the direction of change in “S (Start Level)” caused
by “AMS1 (Level Mod. AMS1).” If “I (AMS1 Intensity)” is a
positive (+)

value, a setting of + will raise the EG level, and

a setting of – will decrease it. With a setting of 0 there will be
no change.

A (AMS1 SW Attack)

[–, 0, +]

Specifies the direction of change in “A (Attack Level)”
caused by “AMS1 (Level Mod. AMS1).” If “I (AMS1 Inten-
sity)” is a positive (+) value, a setting of + will raise the EG
level, and a setting of – will decrease it. With a setting of 0
there will be no change.









Start Level

Release Level

Release Time

Attack Level

+99 = approximately 1 octave

–99 = approximately 1 octave

0 = pitch when
key is held


Time-varying pitch settings (when Pitch EG Intensity = +12.00)

Pitch EG change (level) (AMS=SW1/Velocity, Intensity= positive (+) value)







A note played softly with “S”
set at 0, “A” set to +, and
SW1 turned on (the settings
of 3.1–5a: Pitch EG)

A note played strongly with
“S” set to 0, “A” set to +, and
SW1 turned on

A note played strongly with
“S” set to 0, “A” set to –, and
SW1 turned on