Baking tips – Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 User Manual
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Eggs enrich the bread and give it a softer structure.
Use eggs of the largest size class when baking the
recipes given in this recipe book.
Baking fats, butter and oil make the yeast-based bread
mellow. The unique form of crust and structure in
French-style breads is due to its fat-free ingredients.
However, bread stays fresh longer if fat has been
used in its making. If you use butter directly from the
refrigerator, cut it into small bits to optimise mixing
with the dough during the kneading phase.
Celiac disease, in adults also called sprue, is a chronic
disease that is triggered by eating foods that
contain gluten. The protein gluten (gliadin) contained
in wheat and spelt and similar proteins in rye, barley
and oats cause damage to the mucous membrane of
the small intestine. Only special bread from health
food shops or from one's own kitchen that has been
prepared with gluten-free flours may be eaten.
However, baking bread and cake with gluten-free
flour takes some practice. Such flours require lon-
ger for the uptake of liquids and have different rising
properties. Gluten-free flours must also be thickened
or fluffed with gluten-free thickening agents. These
are for example cream of tartar, yeast, sourdough
from maize or rice flour, baking agents with a
maize basis or binding agents such as guar flour,
carob corn flour, kudzu, pectin, arrowroot starch or
carrageen. It is also necessary to give up the
familiar taste of bread. The consistency of gluten-free
breads is also different to that of wheat meal breads.
Along with our Automatic Bread Maker, you will
receive the following measuring cups, which make
the task of measuring the ingredients easier for you:
1 Measuring cup with quantity level markings
1 Large measuring spoon corresponding to one
tablespoon (tbsp.)
1 Small measuring spoon corresponding to one
teaspoon (tsp.)
Place the measuring cup on a flat surface. Make
sure that the quantities reach the measuring lines
correctly. When measuring dry ingredients, make
sure that the measuring cup is dry.
Baking tips
Baking in different climatic regions
In areas located at higher altitudes, the lower atmo-
spheric pressure causes yeast to ferment faster.
Hence, less yeast is required here.
In dry regions, the flour will be drier and requires
more liquids.
In humid regions, the flour will be more moist and
thus absorbs a lesser amount of liquids. In such areas,
more flour is required.
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