Saitek III User Manual

Page 54

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Pilots Manual

[Server Only]
Bans a player from the game.
Usage: "$ban "

[Dedicated Server Only]
Lists the players banned from the game along with their ban number, which
can be
used to remove the ban.
Usage: "$banlist"

[Server Only]
Forces a player to a team.
Usage: "$changeteam "

[Server Only]
Ends the level.
Usage: "$endlevel"

[Dedicated Server Only]
Displays help information for the input commands.
Usage: "$help [command]"

Sets your personal level for the HUD name filter.
Usage: "$hudnames "
NOTE: You can only set your HUD Callsign level up to the level that the
server is. So if the server is only allowing up to teammates, you won't be
able to set to full

[Server Only]
Kicks a player from the game.
Usage: "$kick "

Sets the kill message filter, for what style of messages you want.
Usage: "$killmsgfilter "