Descent – Saitek III User Manual

Page 25

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Concussion Missile:

A devoted comrade in any firefight, the Concussion
Missile hurls a high-explosive warhead into the
enemy positions with deadly results. Crude, but
effective, this standard rocket attack will never let
you down.

Frag Missile:

Scour the enemy defenses from the mines with the
stinging flak of the chaotic new Frag Missile.
Campers beware, whether hiding around the corner
or waiting in a darkened corridor, there is no
escaping the shrapnel fury of the Frag.

Homing Missile:

Lock on target with the veteran dogfighter’s
weapon of choice—the Homing Missile. Sleek and
stylish, this magnificent infra-red tracking missile
can fly circles around all but the most agile
adversaries, and can down bogies with unmatched

Guided Missile:

Stealthy brother to the Homing Missile, the
remote-piloted Guided Missile puts the flight
control in your hands. Steer this silent assassin
over mountain peaks and through twisting caverns
to attack your foes with the ultimate tactical

Impact Mortar:

The closest thing in your arsenal to a heavy bomb,
the new Impact Mortar is a gravity propelled high-
explosive device designed to scratch that hard-to-
reach itch and reduce ground forces to a
smoldering crater. Send this baby tumbling down a
mineshaft for a tremendous blast that’s as fun to
use as it is functional.

