Descent – Saitek III User Manual
Page 41

Similar to anarchy, but a single hyperorb spawns randomly throughout the
level. Players who acquire the hyperorb will receive bonus points for each
successive kill. The orb spews from any player who is killed while carrying it.
The player who destroyed the hyperorb carrier will also earn bonus points.
Again the objective is to accumulate as many points as possible.
Team Anarchy
Two to four teams battle it out. Players should protect their teammates and
destroy the opposing team members to get as many team points as
Robo Anarchy
Robots join the fray and provide another obstacle in the competition. Being
killed by a robot counts as a suicide. Accumulate as many points as
A variant of anarchy, but no points are awarded for kills. Each time a player
is killed, a hoard orb is spewed along with any other orbs he's carrying.
Collect as many hoard orbs as possible, then carry them to a base to score
points. As many as 12 hoard orbs can be carried at once, and with each orb
scored simultaneously, the points awarded ramp up drastically (to a
maximum of 78 points for 12 orbs). Score as many points as possible.
Capture the Flag (CTF)
Two to four teams compete against each other with the purpose of capturing
opposing flags. Each team has a base with a flag and must protect the flag
from opposing teams while trying to simultaneously grab the opposing flags.
When a player grabs an opposing team's flag, that player must return to his
own base and touch his flag to score a capture. A flag carrier will spew the
flag along with his other powerups. If touched by a player whose team the
flag belongs to, it will be returned instantly to that player's base. The
objective is to score as many captures as possible.
Monster Ball
Two teams attempt to propel a large ball into their own goals. Each team
uses weapons and/or direct ship contact to push the Monster Ball from its
spawning point into their own goal. Score as many goals as possible.
Two teams compete in a complex game of level control. Both teams have
three kinds of mini-bases: refueling centers, repair centers, and virus
producers. Refueling centers function the same as regular energy refueling