Pilots manual – Saitek III User Manual
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Pilots Manual
how you like it. If you are an adventurous technical
person, you can configure the options individually as
listed below.
Terrain Detail
Controls the amount of terrain "popping" while
in outside areas. Lower detail settings may
increase your frame rate, but will increase the
amount of terrain "popping" that you see.
Render Depth
Controls how far you can see while displaying outdoor
terrain. The higher the render depth, the farther you
can see, but the lower your frame rate.
Object Complexity
Controls the detail level of powerup and robot
models. If you set this lower, powerups and robots
will appear with less detail at a distance, and your
frame rate may increase.
Specular Mapping
Turns on or off the specular lighting effect. This
affects the shininess of walls and objects when light
reflects from them. Turning this effect off may
improve your frame rate.
Fast Headlight
When using your Headlight, the "Fast Headlight"
takes much less CPU time but gives you a less
physically accurate headlight. Turning this option off
gives you a wider headlight that doesn't travel as far,
and is computationally slower.
Mirrored Surfaces
Turns on or off the mirrored surfaces in the game. If
on, you can see reflections in the mirrored surfaces.
Dynamic Lighting
Turns on and off dynamic lighting made by players,
robots, and weapons. Turning this option off has a
good chance of increasing your frame rate, but may
reduce the amount of light in the level.
Turns fog on and off.
Light Coronas
Turns on and off the coronas you see around lights. If
you don't like the look of these, you can turn them off
with this option.
Procedural Textures Lets you see animated procedural textures. If off,
these surfaces will not animate, but you may get a
better frame rate.