Pilots manual – Saitek III User Manual
Page 16

Turn on your ships’ headlight to light up the area
ahead of you. There are two headlights you can
configure; one may slow down your frame rate but
project a wider headlight that doesn't travel as far.
You can turn the fast headlight on and off in the
"Detail Level Settings" menu.
Rear View
Hold down to see behind you.
Bring up your Automap.
Prev Inv item
Cycle to your previously available Inventory item.
Next Inv item
Cycle to your next available Inventory item.
Use Inv item
Use your available Inventory Item.
Prev Cntr Meas
Cycle to your previously available Countermeasure.
Next Cntr Meas
Cycle to your next available Countermeasure.
Use Cntr Meas
Use the Countermeasure you have readied.
The Joystick and Mouse Customization menu includes all these options plus
several commands that can be defined by an axis. To define an axis for one
of the following actions, click the box next to action, then just move the
control along the axis. For instance, if you want the throttle to be controlled
by moving the mouse's Y axis, click the box next to "Throttle", then move the
mouse vertically. You can invert the control of the action by clicking on the
(?) next to the action then select Yes or No to invert the axis.
The axis for moving forward and backward.
The axis for pitching up and down.
The axis for turning left and right.
The axis for banking (the yaw of the ship).
Slide Vertical
The axis for sliding up and down.
Slide Horizontal
The axis for sliding left and right.
Pilots Manual