Saitek III User Manual

Page 24

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EMD Gun:

Harness the arcing electro-magnetic energy of the
sizzling new EMD Gun. Watch as your enemies
dive and roll from the sudden strike of this super-
charged hunter-killer. The tactical advantage of a
rechargeable homing weapon, without the
advanced warning--they'll never know what hit them.

Microwave Cannon:

Torture your adversaries with the scorching effects
of the wicked new Microwave Cannon. Fire super-
heated waves of energy into armies of crazed
machines and watch armor-plating buckle, hulls
bursting as they explode into vapor. The latest
device in an arsenal built for annihilation, this one
will make them squirm.

Plasma Cannon:

Preferred weapon of vicious shock troops, the
vintage Plasma Cannon serves up rapid-fire volleys
of accelerated plasma particles with deadly
accuracy. Pummel your opponents in a relentless
rain of damage with every twitch--score hit after hit
while the enemy cringes--for maximum mayhem,
there's no alternative to the Plasma.

Fusion Cannon:

The ultimate over-kill assault weapon, the mighty
battle-scarred Fusion Cannon is back for another
tour of duty. Charged-up 'til near bursting with
great big globs of purple anti-matter, this charming
challenger draws in daredevil dogfighters like
moths to a flame—Fusion Power.

Omega Cannon:

All the power of the original weapon, but with
cruelly advanced hardware developed with
formidable functionality. Peel away a robots
defense shields with devastating new energy-
draining capabilities, and give your own shields a
healthy boost. Losers everywhere learn the hard
way--this weapon totally sucks!


Pilots Manual