Juniper Networks M5 User Manual
Page 172

Safety Guidelines and Warnings
Avvertenza Non usare una rampa con pendenza superiore a 10 gradi.
Advarsel Bruk aldri en rampe som heller mer enn 10 grader.
Aviso Não utilize uma rampa com uma inclinação superior a 10 graus.
¡Atención! No usar una rampa inclinada más de 10 grados
Varning! Använd inte ramp med en lutning på mer än 10 grader.
Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings
Single-mode Physical Interface Cards (PICs) are equipped with laser transmitters, which
are considered a Class 1 Laser Product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and are
evaluated as a Class 1 Laser Product per EN 60825–1 +A11 +A2 requirements.
Observe the following guidelines and warnings:
General Laser Safety Guidelines on page 152
Class 1 Laser Product Warning on page 153
Class 1 LED Product Warning on page 153
Laser Beam Warning on page 154
Radiation From Open Port Apertures Warning on page 154
General Laser Safety Guidelines
When working around PICs, observe the following safety guidelines to prevent eye injury:
Do not look into unterminated ports or at fibers that connect to unknown sources.
Do not examine unterminated optical ports with optical instruments.
Avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Unterminated optical connectors can emit invisible laser radiation. The
lens in the human eye focuses all the laser power on the retina, so
focusing the eye directly on a laser source—even a low-power laser—could
permanently damage the eye.
M5 and M10 Internet Routers Hardware Guide