IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual

Page 633

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is the 8-byte bridge facility token associated with a Link3270 bridge request.
This field is valid only when DYRTYPE=8.


indicates whether or not you want CICS to continue standard abend processing.

Note: This field applies only to dynamic transaction routing, not to the routing

of program-link or Link3270 requests. (If a linked-to program abends on
a remote region, the abend is mirrored in the local region—that is, it is
passed to the program that issued the EXEC CICS LINK command.)

The possible values are:


Continue with CICS abend processing.


Terminate the transaction, do not continue with CICS abend processing,
and give control to the program specified by DYRLPROG.

This option enables you to pass control to a local program that can
handle the condition in your own way, and issue appropriate messages
to terminal users.

If you enter N, you must ensure that DYRLPROG specifies the name of
a valid program on the local system.

There is no default value.


is the name of the channel, if any, associated with the program-link or START
command. This field applies only to the routing of DPL requests,
non-terminal-related START requests, and transactions started by
terminal-related START requests. For other types of request, or if there is no
channel associated with the command, this field contains blanks.

Note that the routing program is given the name of the channel, not its address,
and so is unable to use the contents of this field to inspect or change the
contents of the containers. For information about how the routing program can
inspect or change the contents of the application’s containers, see “Modifying
the application’s containers” on page 607
and the description of the


is the CICS component code. For calls to the dynamic routing program, it is
always set to 'RT'.


is a count of the times the dynamic routing program has been invoked for this
transaction or link request with DYRFUNC set to ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘3’. This field allows
you to limit the number of times your program tries to route a request.


indicates whether the transaction, which is defined by the common transaction
definition specified on the DTRTRAN system initialization parameter, is to be
rejected, or accepted for processing.

This field applies only to dynamic transaction routing and Link3270 request
routing (not to the routing of program-link requests), and is only relevant when
DYRTRXN is set to Y.

The possible values are:


The transaction is rejected. This is the default.

Chapter 17. Writing a dynamic routing program