IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual
Page 607
allows you to specify, in a 1-byte field, whether or not the program is restricted
to using the distributed program link (DPL) subset of the CICS API. The
equated values are:
The program is to be restricted to the DPL subset of the EXEC CICS
The program can use the full API.
allows you to specify, in a 4-byte field, the name of the remote system where
the program is to execute. CICS function ships any request for this program to
the specified remote CICS.
allows you to specify, in an 8-byte field, the name by which the program is
known in the remote CICS region. For a remote program, the remote name
defaults to the local name if you set this field to blank.
allows you to specify, in a 4-byte field, the name of the CICS mirror transaction
under which the program, if remote, is to run. By default, this is set to the name
of the CICS mirror transaction, CSMI.
allows you to specify, in a 1-byte field, whether, if the program is the subject of
a program-link request, the request can be dynamically routed. The equated
values are:
If the program is the subject of a program-link request, the dynamic
routing program is not invoked.
For a distributed program link (DPL) request, the server region on which
the program is to execute must be specified explicitly on the
REMOTESYSTEM option of the PROGRAM definition or on the SYSID
option of the EXEC CICS LINK command; otherwise it defaults to the
local region.
If the program is the subject of a program-link request, the dynamic
routing program is invoked. Providing that a remote server region is not
named explicitly on the SYSID option of the EXEC CICS LINK
command, the routing program can route the request to the region on
which the program is to execute.
allows you to specify, in a 1-byte field, whether or not the program is written to
threadsafe standards. The equated values are:
The program is quasi-reentrant only, and relies on the serialization
provided by CICS when accessing shared resources.
The program is restricted to the CICS permitted programming
interfaces, and must comply with the CICS quasi-reentrancy rules.
The program is written to threadsafe standards, and when it accesses
Chapter 16. Writing a program to control autoinstall of programs