Sample code for a true invoked at cics termination – IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual
Page 321
CICS abend, retry possible, TCBs dispatchable (UERTCABY)
MVS has flagged the failure as being “eligible for retry”. Your exit program
must follow the MVS rules for this type of failure, documented in the
OS/390 MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide.
Subtasks in the region (that is, task control blocks (TCBs) in addition to the
CICS job-step TCB) are still dispatchable, and your exit program can
execute code under them.
You must not use any CICS services.
CICS abend, retry not possible, TCBs dispatchable (UERTCABN)
MVS has flagged the failure as “not eligible for retry”. Your exit program
must follow the MVS rules for this type of failure. Note that your exit
program is invoked from code within the CICS extended subtask abend exit
(ESTAE). MVS imposes more restrictions on ESTAE code than on
non-ESTAE code.
Subtasks in the region are still dispatchable, and your exit program can
execute code under them.
You must not use any CICS services.
CICS abend, retry not possible, TCBs not dispatchable (UERTOPCA)
As for UERTCABN, except that subtasks in the region are not dispatchable;
your exit program must not try to execute code under any TCBs that it may
have attached.
In the abend invocations (UERTCABY through UERTOPCA), your exit program
must not use any CICS services. This includes the DFHEIENT call, which performs
a CICS GETMAIN. To prevent a DFHEIENT call being issued automatically on each
invocation of your program, specify the NOPROLOG translator option; but include in
the program source your own DFHEIENT call to be issued on non-abend
invocations only. An example of how to code a task-related user exit program to be
invoked at CICS termination is given in Figure 9 on page 300. For further
information about coding a DFHEIENT call, see DFHECALL macro, in the CICS
Application Programming Reference manual.
Sample code for a TRUE invoked at CICS termination
Note that the sample in Figure 9 on page 300 is a multipurpose program—that is, it
is coded to be invoked at many task-related user exit invocation points. However, to
avoid the need to test for CICS abends in all of your multipurpose TRUEs, it is
recommended that you use a separate program for termination invocations.
Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs